Good afternoon race fans! Bringing this write-up to you today with the release of the Thunder Road rosters for the 2024 season. We've got a little more action on the sponsorship front that we've been waiting to announce for quite some time... But we're finally here to welcome Vermont Student Assistant Corporation (VSAC) as the primary sponsor for Bouchard Motorsports for the 2024 season!
VSAC, a Vermont nonprofit, has been helping Vermont students of all ages save, plan, and pay for college and training since 1965. They can help set you up with a VT529 account to help you start saving for training in the future, and assist with other financial aid like loans, grants, scholarships, career-focused funding, and work study, and get you out into the future you desire! To learn more in depth about about what VSAC has to offer, visit them online at

Our new partnership with VSAC provides an opportunity for us to share our messages with Thunder Road fans and beyond. With new sponsorship comes a new (but still familiar look) color scheme for the car, as we're excited to carry the colors and spread to word for one of the most recognizable non-profits in the state!
With this announcement, we're looking forward to the season drawing closer, and getting our hot rod on the track to put on a show for the fans. Without the help of VSAC, that would not be possible.
Be on the lookout for any more updates here as the season draws nearer, and look for some updates on the rest of our website as well to see how we're changing for the new year.
Until next time!